We regret we are not normally able to take on new clients.
We recommend instead the well qualified and highly regarded Clare Tobin MPTA (07799 263380)
or Clive Ellison 07967 311189 01872 552245
We recommend that where someone in the household is learning, then you should aim to have as good a piano as you can afford.
Many traditional pianos are now over 100 years old and were never designed to function for that long. Others may have had a considerable amount of wear and tear already.
An instrument which is not responsive to the needs of the learner will soon prove to be more useful for something else!
We recommend that, when choosing a piano, in the first place you seek advice from your teacher. We are happy to advise local enquirers on technical questions to the best of our ability.
Keeping your piano is good order needs regular maintenance. A tuning and maintenance visit at least twice a year is usually to be recommended.